Genealogical and Historical Research Service in Ireland



County Louth People who opposed Home Rule.

According to the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) the archive of the Ulster Unionist Council, held by PRONI, contains just under half a million original signatures and addresses of the men who, on 28 September 1912, signed the Ulster Covenant, and of the women who signed the parallel Declaration. In total, the Covenant was signed by 237,368 men, and the Declaration by 234,046 women.

Besides the province of Ulster many of those who signed resided elsewhere in Ireland and abroad. In the case of County Louth the Covenant could be signed in Dundalk and in Ballymascanlan Parish Church. But some residents signed elsewhere. In addition it is possible others, because of their occupation or profession such as British army personnel, could not sign such a declaration.
One of the genealogical values, however, of such a record is that for some it gave both a former and a current  address.

More information on this record, its background and aftermath, can be found on PRONI website at

The wording to the Ulster Covenant signed by men only was:

        'Being convinced in our consciences that Home Rule would be disastrous to the material well-being of Ulster as well as of the whole of Ireland, subversive of our civil and religious freedom, destructive of our citizenship, and perilous to the unity of the Empire, we whose names are underwritten, men of Ulster, loyal subjects of His Gracious Majesty King George V., humbly relying on the God whom our fathers in days of stress and trial confidently trusted, do hereby pledge ourselves in solemn Covenant, throughout this our time of threatened calamity, to stand by one another in defending, for ourselves and our children, our cherished position of equal citizenship in the United Kingdom, and in using all means, which may be found necessary to defeat the present conspiracy to set up a Home Rule Parliament in Ireland.  And in the event of such a parliament been forced upon us, we further solemnly and mutually pledge ourselves to refuse to recognize its authority.
In sure confidence that God will defend the right, we hereby subscribe our names.
         And further, we individually declare that we have not already signed this Covenant.'

That signed by women only read:

        'We, whose names are underwritten, women of Ulster, and loyal subjects of our gracious King, being firmly persuaded that Home Rule would be disastrous to our Country, desire to associate ourselves with the men of Ulster in their uncompromising opposition to the Home Rule Bill now before Parliament, whereby it is proposed to drive Ulster out of her cherished place in the constitution of the United Kingdom, and to place her under  the domination and control of a Parliament in Ireland.
            Praying that from this calamity God will save Ireland, we hereto subscribe our names.'


Among those who signed, where County Louth address (i.e. postal) is given, were the following:

SurnameForename(s)AddressParliamentary Division
(or per PRONI)
(or Per PRONI)
Place of Signing
(or per PRONI)
Agent per PRONI
AdamsAnnieBeaulieu, DroghedaDublinDublinNot RecordedNot Recorded
AdamsJamesStapleton Place, DundalkNot RecordedNot RecordedNot RecordedNot Recorded
AlexanderDavidSt. Nicholas Inst., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
AndersonRobertMountpleasant, DundalkNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
Anderson?J.Born Co. Louth - Colin?;
{about 20 years resident in
Ulster (Belfast); & 5 Broad Park Avenue, Ilfracombe}
(Barnstaple, England)(West)(Exeter, Barnstaple, Ilfracombe, Torquay)Smith, J.A.
ArmstrongJ. H.21 Castle Road, Dundalk
(& 13 Little Brunswick St.,
North LouthDundalkDundalk (LOL 1617)Not recorded
BensonWillieTully, Louth (Co. Louth?)South FermanaghLisnaskeaParochial Hall, LisnaskeaThomas Beresford
BloomerRichardBallymascanlan, DundalkNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
Bothwell?EmmaStapleton Place, DundalkEast BelfastStrandtownStrandtown Hall
and Belmont (Presbyterian)
John E. S. Edwards
BradleySamuelCorbollis, ArdeeNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
BradleyWilliamCastletown Rd, Dundalk
(& Erin Terrace, Belfast)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
Brogden?Thos. Wm. EdwinDrogheda(South Belfast?)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
CarlisleRobertDublin St., DundalkEast DownKilloughKilloughHugh Finlay
ClarkeArthurHayenstown, DundalkNot RecordedNot RecordedNot RecordedNot Recorded
ColvilleM.Stapleton Pl., DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
CoyneW. J.Castle Rd., DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
CrudenCatherineBoyne Terrace, DroghedaBelfast (South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)Old Town Hall
(City Hall)
Not recorded
CunninghamA. G.48 Broughton St, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
DalzellAndrewDroghedaMid. ArmaghKeady? Keady ?W. J. Greer
DavidsonHenry C.32 Clanbrassil St., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
DobbinRhoda M. E.Drummalla House, Omeath(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
DonnanH. H.14 Wellington Place, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
DoranWilliamWellington Place, Dundalk
(& Castlecaulfield,
Co. Tyrone)
(or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
FeganWmShamerock Bar, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
FitzgeraldAugustineRavensdale, Co LouthNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
FordA. Lockett
(? Canon of St. Patricks)
The Rectory, ArdeeNot recordedNot recordedNot recordedNot recorded
FrenchCissieRathgeenan, ArdeeSouth MonaghanCastleblaneyHomes about CarrickmacrossMrs Brownlow
FrenchJaneRathgeenan, ArdeeSouth MonaghanCastleblaneyHomes about CarrickmacrossMrs Brownlow
FrenchJohnRathgeenan, ArdeeSouth MonaghanCastleblaneyCarrickmacross HomesMrs Brownlow
GilbertJeanie M.Seatown Place, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(Broadway Presbyterian
Mrs Henry
GrayMargetRavensdale, DundalkNewry & South DownNewryOrange Hall, NewryMelvin Orr
GrayRichardRavensdale, DundalkNewry & South DownNewryOrange Hall, NewryWilliam Orr
GreyJohn R.Mountpleasant, Co LouthNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
GreyJohn Wm.Mountpleasant, Co LouthNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
GuilfoyleRobert W.Lisnawillie, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)T. H. Witherow BA
HannaEva F.Crossmaglen, DundalkMid. ArmaghArmaghbragueArmaghbrague
Pres. Church
George Kane
HannaLouise S.Crossmaglen, DundalkMid. ArmaghArmaghbragueArmaghbrague
Pres. Church
George Kane
HannaMargaretCrossmaglen, DundalkMid. ArmaghArmaghbragueArmaghbrague
res. Church
George Kane
HannaOswald J LCrossmaglen, DundalkSouth ArmaghNewtownhamiltonNewtownhamilton
(The Lecture Hall?)
Mr. Alan Ardis
HannaW SCrossmaglen, DundalkSouth ArmaghNewtownhamiltonNewtownhamilton
(The Lecture Hall?)
Mr. Alan Ardis
HarbronMary LouisaRailway Cottage DroghedaMid. TyroneOmaghUnionist RoomsP. Cruickshank
HartJohnBellurgan, BallymascanlonNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
HarveyJames BoydLong Avenue, DundalkNorth MonaghanMonaghanMonaghanForster Dunwoody
HenryJohnSeatown, DundalkDundalk
(or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
HepburnEliza JaneCollon, Co. LouthKilmarnock Burgh
DumbartonOrange Hall
(Church Street)
S. G. Smith
HillHoward4 Faughart Terrace, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
HughesJ. R.Carrick Road?, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
HughesL.?Chapel Lane, Dundalk
(or Dee St., Belfast)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
HughesWilliam H.9 Brunswick Row, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
HullahArthur V.32 Clanbrassil St., DundalkNot RecordedNot RecordedNot RecordedNot Recorded
HutchinsonJ.Signalman, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
JacksonJBachelors Walk, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
JohnstonThos5 Demense Tce, DundalkNorth ArmaghPortadownTown HallMr J. N. A. Wilson
JonesFred. GMount Av., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)T. H. Witherow BA
Kemy?AlexanderDunleer, Co. LouthNorth BelfastDuncairn Forttwillliam ?
Church Lecture Hall
J. Mabinquin 
Kenny (B.A.)F.Carlingford, Co LouthNewry & South DownNewryOrange HallWilliam Orr
KingDavidWellington Place, Dundalk
(& Edward St., Armagh)
or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
KnoxS. B.Seatown Place, Dundalk
(or Railway St., Lurgan))
(or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
ListonJohnMary St,. DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
McAlesterAlexanderBroughton Street Dundalk
(& Leiburn?, Kilkeel,
Co. Down)
(or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
McAlesterMaggieDundalkSouth DownKilkeelMourne
Lecture Hall
Miss Janey Shannon
McAlisterWilliamPlaister, Mount Pleasant
P. O., Dundalk
North FermanaghBelleekRossharbourJames Johnston, junior.
McCandlissJohn CampbellFour Lodge, Omeath,
Co. Louth
(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(Old Town Hall)Not recorded
McClenahanJ.Barrack Street, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
McCombWilliam R.Demesne, Castletown Rd.,
Dundalk (&? Tandragee)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
McCormacRobertDrogheda (in Co Louth?
or a street)
North ArmaghPortadownTown HallMr. J. N. A. Wilson
McDowellErnestMullaharlin, DundalkNot RecordedNot RecordedNot RecordedNot Recorded
McElderryJohn HenryDrogheda (Co Louth?)(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
McFeatRichard3 Brook Street, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
McGowanWilliamMt. Hamilton, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
McKeeClara A.41 Richmond Grove East,
Longsight ?. (A. Brown,
Clohogue Hill, Crossmaglen, Dundalk, Ireland)
VariousManchester20 Bryenuse St,
H. Crowe
McKeeMargaret41 Richmond Grove East,
Longsight ?. (A. Brown,
Clohogue Hill, Crossmaglen
Dundalk, Ireland)
VariousManchester20 Bryenuse St,
H. Crowe
McKeeverJaneSyddan House, ArdeeNorth DownBangorDufferin
(Memorial) Hall
Miss Murren
McKennyFred.Lisnawilly, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
MillingAgnes A.Kinedar, DundalkNorth AntrimPortrush[The Skating?]
Rink, Portrush
Douglas F. Scott
MontgomeryGeo.  Joseph11 Kincora Tce., DundalkEast DownKilloughKilloughHugh Finlay
MontgomeryThomas32 Clanbrassil St., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
MooreWilliam JohnLong Avenue, Dundalk,
Co Louth
North Belfast(Clifton)Cliftonville
Unionist Club
Hugh G. Skimin
MoorheadWilliam32 Clanbrassil St., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
MorrowGeorge2 Brrok [Brook?], Street,
North ArmaghSeagoe?Churchyard?T. J. Atkinson
MortonThos.DundalkNorth MonaghanClonesOrange Hall,
F. Patterson
NeillBenjaminBachelors Walk, DundalkDundalk
(or South Belfast?)
(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
NevilleE. V.?1 Broughton St., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
NevilleRobertBallymascanlan, DundalkNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
NoblettWilliamDrogheda,  Co MeathBridgeton (Scotland: Edinburgh)(Bridgeton)24 West Street, Ralton?William Hindman
OrrElizabethClemont Park, DundalkDublinDublinNot RecordedNot Recorded
ParkesKatieBawn House, OmeathDublinDublinNot RecordedNot recorded
ParksWilliamOmeathSouth DownWarrenpointWarrenpointJohn Robb
PowerAlexander C.32 Clanbrassil St., Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)Not recorded
ReevesNorman V.36 Bridge St., DundalkNorth Louth DundalkNot recorded
RennieJohnBlackrock, DundalkMid. TyroneOmaghMountjoy Pres. ChurchJames Williamson
RiceAlfred38 Dublin Street, DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
RoweJohn2 Lisnawilley Road, Dundalk(South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)(City Hall)T. H. Witherow BA
SadlierEdithCorstown, ArdeeSouth MonaghanCastleblaneyHome. CarrickmacrossMrs Brownlow
SadlierMargaretCorstown, ArdeeSouth MonaghanCastleblaneyHome. CarrickmacrossMrs Brownlow
ScottD. H.2 Demense Tce., DundalkNewry & South DownNewryOrange Hall,
William Orr
SholdisJames54 Castle Rd, Dundalk
(& 97 Enfield St., Belfast)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
SholdisJohn54 Castle Rd., Dundalk
(& 97 Enfield St., Belfast)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
StevensonHughCollon House (? Co. Louth)Derry CityLondonderryYMCANot recorded
StewartJohnDroghedaEngland: BuryManchester104 Walmerdy
Road, Bury
Not recorded
SwannHenry B.The Rectory  Omeath,
Co Louth
South DownWarrenpointWarrenpointWilliam H. Pedlow
TiernyWilliamBallymascanlanNorth LouthBallymascanlanBallymascanlan Parish ChurchNot recorded
TukeC.40 Dublin St., DundalkNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617))
Not recorded
WoodsJamesChapel Lane, Dundalk.
(Gamble St, Belfast)
North LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
WykesAlfredNo. 2 St Helena, DundalkBelfast (South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)City HallT. H. Witherow BA
WykesGeorgeNo. 2 St Helena, DundalkBelfast (South Belfast)(Saint Anne's)City HallT. H. Witherow BA

The following, who signed in Dundalk, gave an address outside County Louth:

SurnameForename(s)AddressParliamentary Division (or per PRONI)District (or Per PRONI)Place of Signing
(or per PRONI)
Agent per PRONI
CrozierJames EdwardMintlone, Scarva, Co. DownDundalk (or South Belfast?)(Saint Anne's?)(City Hall)Not recorded
BosomworthWilliamTandragee, Co ArmaghNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
BradleyWilliam J.25 Erin Terrace BelfastNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
ColemanSamuel35 Donegall Avenue, BelfastNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
DuddyRobert J.ArmaghNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
DunbarSaml A,256 Donegall Road, BelfastNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
FultonVictorStrabane, Co TyroneNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
KennedyThomas FrancesLoughgall, Co ArmaghNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
McAlisterBenjaminNewry, Co. Down
(Place of birth?)
North LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
McCleeryJohn16 Harcourt St.,
Antrim Rd., Belfast
North LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
McCombSamuelJonesboro,  Newry,
Co. Armagh
North LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
McCullaghHugh1558 PortadownNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
McWilliamsGeorgeBallybay, Co MonaghanNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
Murray?A. M.?Ballynahinch, Co DownNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
StewartR. J.?1 Scarva St., BanbridgeNorth LouthDundalkDundalk
(LOL 1617)
Not recorded
WilsonJohnNewryNorth LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded
WilsonJoseph E.Cappy, Bailieborough,
Co. Cavan
North LouthDundalkDundalkNot recorded


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Please send any comments on above Genealogical & Historical Research Service by e-mail to:
© MP McConnon, MC Research, Seabank, Castlebellingham, Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland.
(Original updated 20 March 2007) Last update 29 May 2018.