This part of the website is to list some
items I came across etc., over the years, that may be of interest to people in
County Louth. Some are already elsewhere on the website but are brought together
here under the heading of ‘Ideas for Development’.
History and genealogy have been looked on, in general, as a pastime rather than
an economic source and as a means of developing an area. This was true
especially when the Celtic Tiger raged. This is now no longer and people have to
look to other means as a source of employment. While I am not suggestion that
people set up private businesses, as competitors of mine, but rather that the
information gained through researching your own family or place can be used for
further development either for your business or your area etc..
I, like anyone with a website, is well aware of how items can be copied,
re-copied with some changes and re-copied like gossip raging around an area, in
order to get something online that can be found by search engines or as an ego
building exercise. Like the well known advertisement currently on TV relating to
Guinness. The salutation starts off as ‘To Arthur’ but goes on to ‘To Martha’
etc etc. . What follows hopefully will not be used in that way but rather by
people looking for an idea to develop their area or create employment or extra
income for themselves or their families. For example a hotel or guest house
might specifically target areas abroad that people from County Louth emigrated
to or maybe specific events in history, or maybe a person is creative and finds
an idea from the caricatures in newspapers, clothes designs etc..
If you wish me to locate information, of a historic or genealogical nature, on
your area or district then go to the
Services provided
First, however, since it is over ninety
years since our War of Independence, an item in a local history on a USA
county might provide some food for thought. It was published in 1876,
approximately ninety-three years after the War of Independence there, and
'Truth is the mother of history, the preserver of great actions, the
enemy of oblivion, the witness of the past, the director of the
To write the history of an Eastern power, the recorder follows the ruler
as the representative of government, exposes his intrigues, blazons his
deeds, and measures his renown by the number and severity of his wars.
In America, the nation is a conclusion, and true history begins with the
people acting as the arbiters of their own destiny, and framing their
fabric of free government by the action of communities in frequent
meetings, and delegating certain powers to the State and General
Government. Viewed in this light, the history of a county rises in
importance; and while it affords a laudable gratification to the
citizen, it serves as an index of the source and means by which a free
people have become great. All classes are arousing from their apathy
concerning the past, and men are asking, What part have our ancestors
played in this drama, and where does our county, as a community, stand?
(Source: History of Seneca Co., New York, With illustrations,
descriptive of its scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buldings, Fine
Blocks and Important Manufactories, Philadelphia, Everts, Ensign &
Everts, 1876, republished by W.E. Morrison & Co., Ovid, New York, page
5, Allen County Library Genealogy Center.)
If the American way, above, were the basis on which Ireland was measured
today I wonder where would we stand.?
Personally I
believe not so good. A trend over the past number of years, that I recently
became aware of, is of using the Companies Acts to set up companies similar
to private companies, but supposedly in the interest of and/or to develop a
local area etc.. These Bodies seemingly have no provision for any democratic
input over time. My belief is that they will lead eventually to sectional
interests, division and stagnation. It will be like back to the days when
the landlord had control and influence over everything at local level
although the latter would probably claim that he/she paid for the local
In short a better format needs
to be devised.
HERE to go to Database (an ongoing project).
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