1843 – Another Tragedy in Dundalk Bay.ANOTHER MELANCHOLY Occurrence —On Monday last an inquest was held by Mr. John Byrne, coroner for the county of Louth, at Moor-town, near Lurgan-green, upon the bodies of two fishermen, named Thomas Conolan and Henry Morgan, who died in a boat at sea, on Saturday evening last, under the following circumstances:--- The deceased accompanied by John Hoey and Thomas Robinson, two other fishermen, who all resided at the shore near Lurgan-green, went out in their boat about 9 o’clock on last Friday morning to take up their lines. After having drawn up one set of lines, about 12 o’clock in the day, there came on a very severe fall of snow, and they were unable to see their way, and shortly afterwards it blew very hard and they were driven out to sea far above C[l]ogher-point. In this situation they remained the whole night, the boat, for the best part of the time, filled with water, which they were endeavouring to bale out with their hats. Conolan, who from the commencement sat very much affrighted and gave himself up for lost, fell over the boat and died before night on Friday, and Morgan died in about an hour afterwards. On Saturday morning about daylight, they believed they were off Carlingford; but they were drifted afterwards in the direction of Clogher, which, after suffering hardships incredible they were able to reach about 3 o'clock on Saturday evening. Robinson, one of the survivors, was nearly dead. Hoey, by his exertions, and by cheering his companion, was the means of saving both; considering all he suffered, he was very little the worse. The jury “found that the deceased died in a boat at sea, on Friday, the 13th day of January inst, from cold and exhaustion.” –Newry Telegraph. (Source: The Times (London), 21 January 1843, p.5).
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